Platform Features

StoryboardsCollaborationGenerative AI Video


Streamline your workflow

Minimize delays and hand-off pains

Keep content accessible and searchable

Allow for synchronous work

Leverage generative video all in one place

Rough drafts in minutes not days


AI is changing our process for planning and telling stories. 10Zebra provides intuitive, automatable storyboard creation to provide a foundation for team shoots or AI consumption. Create a storyboard quickly with Text-to-Storyboard and Video-to-Storyboard, or organize your shots by hand.

Flexible Storyboarding

Create a storyboard quickly with Video-to-Storyboard, or organize your shots by hand. Easily keep your storyboard updated as your project evolves, and maintain a centralized outline for your team to follow, no matter where they are in the world.

From Planning Through Production

The platform uses your storyboard as folders to store and organize your video content and workflows. This makes it easy to review, iterate, and ensure your creative direction stays on-track.

Currently in FREE beta

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Working effectively under a shared vision is essential for any team video project. 10zebra focuses on streamlining remote and in-person collaboration to keep everyone aligned throughout the production process.

Greenlight Your Project

Share your project with stakeholders or other team members to add their contribution. Gather takes, collect feedback, iterate, all while keeping your content organized and accessible.

Centralized Asset Management

No more clunky Dropbox folders and spreadsheets. Videographers can upload their shots right to your storyboard, story owners can review rough cuts and choose takes as they are captured, and the project can easily export for hand-off to your editing team.

Seamless Onboarding

Easy onboarding with a single URL. It’s a webpage: No apps. No downloads. No login. No Friction. Just a private webpage for you and your team to work together.

Generative AI Video

Generative AI is the future of video production, but the landscape and tools are changing quickly making it challenging and time-consuming to keep up.

Vetted Models

Don’t worry about the pains of hosting models, buying racks of GPUS, or the FOMO from missing out on the latest AI releases. Our team vets and implements the latest open AI video models, giving you control over the best tools, for any take, from a single interface.

Consistent Generation

10zebra also helps creators provide deeper context to the models you are working with. As models continue to improve, providing the proper tagging, prompting, and reference history will be essential to producing consistent, mind-blowing output.

10zebra is here to make your AI strategy effortless and effective.

Currently in FREE beta

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